3 Responses to “John Challis Interview”

  1. Johnny says:

    The book is published in Serbia a couple of months ago. And it’s great :)

  2. Lorna says:

    Good old John Challis. Good on him :)

  3. Griff says:

    Good interview. John deserves to be on one of the prime-time UK talk shows. Being interviewed in Serbia is a bit random. I know he wanted his book published out there, but there are several other countries he could have promoted his books?

    Awkward silences from the audience. They appeared to understand what John was saying one minute, then the next – complete silence. I doubt they understood his humour.

    What is special about John Challis, is that he’s really only the remaining member of the cast of OFAH who opens up to the fans to talk about any past-times on and off-set. He’s not a reclusive bloke like we hear Nicholas and David are – with all due respect. So John gives the fans such a special chance and time to talk about the show.

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