“I’d have that head looked at if I were you”
NAME: Irene & Tommy Mackay
EPISODE: No greater love (series 2)
She’s too old for Del & even Grandad claims he would have to think twice but that doesn’t stop lovelorn Rodney falling head over heels for the 40 year old wife of convict Tommy Mackay.
Having met her as he sold nifty knickers door-to-door while wearing a camel hair coat that even The Incredible Hulk would find loose-fitting & wooing her with his boyish charm Rodney is in no mood for Dels brotherly advice “if you’ve become attached to your knee’s, stop seeing Irene Mackay”
In the end a combination of Del’s meddling and Tommy MacKay’s release from prison put paid to this romance, Del may have got a hiding, but at least Rodney got a bit of Humpty-Dumpty.
BEST LINE: “I’m gonna teach you a lesson you’ll remember for the rest of your life, Rodney my old son” Tommy thinks Del is Rodney, Del thinks his coat is ruined and a copper thinks he’s seen enough and thus ensues a fight so vicious it rehabilitates Tommy & Del has to pretend his injuries were caused by the stairs in Monkey Harris’s bungalow.