6 Responses to “David Jason to Only Fools and Horses fans 2017”

  1. Eamon says:

    Why del boy never asked the vicar how far they went out in the boat to bury freddie the frogs gold is sad as if he had he and rodney could have become milluonaires much sooner .never know the old vicar could have been spot on shame del

  2. Hallett James Richard says:

    I think your greatest actor ever including danger mouse pen fold and Del Boy all the best from James in Wales

  3. Richard Thomas says:

    We have a lot of friends in Serbia and as you might know they are great fans of falls and horses. We were in Serbia when John Challis took Sir David Jason place in an interview on Serbian TV. The Serbians loved watching falls and horses during the war in the 1990,s and say it helped them through the bad times.
    I got hold of a signed autobiography from John Challis last Christmas when he was in Weston Super Mare which we gave to one of our Serbian friends, and now I am looking for a signed copy of David Jason,s Autobiography if possible with a greetings to our Serbian friend Vesna as they still love the series and they even have an old 3 wheeler reliant painted up like the one in the series in the car museum in Belgrade.
    Can any one help
    Regards Richard Thomas

  4. Griff says:

    Another year older.

    It is going to be such a sad day when this national treasure leaves this mortal curl.

    • Vinterbris says:

      Agreed. The way 2016 was killing people off I was worried it would have happened then, thankfully not. He’s still got it though!

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