Only Fools and Facebook
The facebook group, which has nearly 200 members was originally a general Rock and Chips facebook group. That was untill together with Perry they decided to slightly change it’s direction to encourage all those fans to show their appreciation to John by requesting a series be commissioned by the BBC.
In terms of content there are general pieces on the site such as autograph address information for the stars, links to some of the music featured and great photos along with video previews. Following on Perry has forwarded various comments he recieved from fans on the show and I have added these, plus some fans have joined directly from links upon the OFAH site and i have put BBC contact info such as site info and telephone numbers etc.
This is an overview of the site and any valued thoughts and opinions would be appreciated.
Anyone interested in getting the BBC to commission a Rock and Chips series please visit the Rock and Chips facebook group and join and if you want leave a comment.
Many thanks, Graeme.
What a great site Perry, and i love being kept up to date on everything, I have startedd a blog about Only Fools and Horses as a hobby, it not as good as this but check it out