Well it’s been a very long time in coming, but the top sitcom of all time is about to get shown on BBC1.
Sadly you will have to set your video recorders or get back from wheeling and dealing down the market if you can’t to catch the 2 daily episodes of Fools and Horses.
Sadly the BBC have given it the time slot of 2:10pm – 3:05pm
Of course you can catch Only Fools and Horses on iplayer if you do miss it.
Will the episodes use the new and improved definition?
Will they show the cut scenes, that disappear on the DVD releases?
Why the change of heart on showing John Sullivan’s sitcom?
To answer these questions set your Betamax VCRs to record daily from Monday 04 July , 2:10pm – 3:05pm , BBC1
Maybe this will introduce Only Fools and Horses to a whole new generations of mums and toddlers
The first two episodes on monday are a double bill featuring starring David Jason and Nicholas Lyndhurst. Rodney grows tired of being dogsbody to wheeler-dealing older brother Del-Boy and decides to set out on his own. Plus, the pair make a profit on a used-car deal and decide to celebrate in style with a night out in the West End.
They Have Started It Again On At 2.00pm or 2.30pm
There are being shown again they started today
I see OFAH is being repeated in the afternoons again (4th Feb 2013) for the 4th time in the double episodes format, but this time it has been allocated a full 1 hour time slot, so maybe this time will be unedited episodes (well maybe just the opening and end credits are edited)
The BBC are Repeating OF&H AGAIN in the double episode edits from the 21st November at 2.10pm – 3.05pm.
I wonder if the Christmas specials will be repeated this time.
in 2009, they showed the 2001-2003 trilogy, and in 2010, they showed the 1996 trilogy.
i Would love too see either the Jolly Boys outing, or To Hull and back this year.
I have recorded these special episodes, and hope to watch them soon after I have obtained every other episode.
I have the seasons 1-7 DVD boxset already, but it’s a shame that the episodes are edited. I hope they are not affected much by this, and that it doesn’t ruin the enjoyment of watching them.
Let’s hope 2entertain will release a proper uncut complete DVD boxset of the series, at some point.
I would love to obtain the other episodes which I am missing.
Hopefully sometime during Christmas 2011, BBC One will repeat more of the Only Fools and Horses Christmas specials.
I would love to see every episode from the beginning, and in order, and if possible would be fantastic to see them all uncut as well.
hi is it still showing right now in 2012
is in south africa
….and the BBC cocks up yet again with todays Yuppy Love episode,it took them 20 minutes to fix the Aspect Ratio issue!!
I noticed That… But it was an Unedited episode, had loads of swearing in, which was strange because all the other episodes have been edited.
It seemed Unedited but it only ran for 49 Minutes so there is 1 Minute missing somewhere lol
just come across something on youtube, i’d never seen before, its a david jason interview from 1984
quite interesting…
In watching the girls go bye today, it had Yvonnie singing, this is the first time i have seen that scene unedited, so, its a bit like a new scene for me….
Dells line about “a couple of em are dead” was included. Series four does look very good on BBC One HD.
From next Tuesday we’ll be seeing normal length episodes starting with the final episode of Series 5, then going into the 50 minute shows of Series 6 and 7.
Fear not they will still be Edited for daytime viewing!!
I wonder if they will leave the “Old Credits” or insert the “New Credits” at the end of the Episodes.
There’s no reason to edit them, the credits should be the originals as there’s also only 1 episode per day being shown so no need to merge two episodes and create new credit sequences. The only things that could be edited are p-words, which there aren’t much of in Series 6 and 7, only one in IIRC. Music isn’t an issue on TV broadcasts.
There will be a few edits for the odd unsuitable word – “pissed”, “pot to piss in”..things like that. Credits won’t be touched though.
Just going through some recordings of the last BBC1 repeat run in 2004 and it was a wonder we ever hoped they would show uncut repeats this round, as quite a few episodes were already cut for time before. A couple of TV edits have now found their way to onto the iTunes releases which is quite annoying. These prior edits don’t seem to be documented anywhere, which is why we all had such hopes, so I’m going to send my notes to Ronnie English to see if he’ll put them on his OFAH cuts page.
One interesting rarity was one line in Sickness and Wealth which came from an alternative take.
I’ve just remembered that I used to record OFAH episodes on the back of Films to fill up the VHS Tapes. and this was when they 1st Aired on the BBC and Pre 1996 so If I can find them they will probably be Uncut, If I can find them I’ll try and upscale the transfers to DVDs.
It would be nice to have an exact record of what went out on the first broadcasts so we know exactly what has been removed since. Other than going through the BBC’s archive, the only way we can get this information is finding people who recorded these first broadcasts.
I’ll have a look through my old VHS Tapes sometime during the week and see what Episodes I can find. I know they are uncut as I had a habit of writing the exact times on the labels eg. 29:55, 49:58 etc…
I found a YouTube channel which seems to include most of the Only Fools and Horses episodes. It also seems very likely that these episodes are the uncut versions. As they are available on YouTube, they have also been uploaded in parts.
As I am not sure how much is missing from the edited versions, please can someone confirm that these episodes of Only Fools and Horses, are the fully uncut versions.
Most Youtube versions are just taken from the DVD which is cut.
Just been looking at My VHS Releases and it seems my 1998 Release of “A Royal Flush” is UNCUT as it is the full 76 Minutes!!
On monday, the episode, Happy Returns is being shown, and because of all the cuts that have been happening to the show, i have a feeling they wont show this hilarious scene.
I gave up watching these episodes BBC 1 are showing ages ago. its not worth my electricity. They are cutting more out than the DVDs have! rather watch my dvds. will not be interested in anything then a complete uncut dvd collection. IF 2 entertain/bbc cant manage this and show us seriously seriously cut episodes on bbc 1, then they can shove it where the sun dont shine.
I think I’ve seen a cut in all episodes so far, so many to mention. I personally think its because of PC, but my Mrs reckons its to trim the time. Anyway here’s a few I can think of….
Go West Young Man – Del’s Aussie speech after flogging the car. In the bar, the shot of the docker in drag blowing a kiss.
Long Legs Of The Law – After Rodney get his 24hrs, Del & Rodney arguing over a stupid kid their parents produced.
No Greater Love – Irene : Rodney. You sure you don’t mind? People might stare. Rodney : Let them stare! That sort of thing don’t bother me Irene. I went out with a Chinese girl once!
It Never Rains – The whole scene with the Cockney on the inflatable that Del bursts.
A Touch Of Glass – After Dels leaves the room “Keep Sprawncin” The whole scene with Grandad, Rodney & Lady Ridgemere talking about Peckham & Nelson Mandella House.
Homesick – The bit where Rodney indicates to Baz about smoking so Baz turns sign down.
Friday The 14th – The start of the Monopoly game when Rodney lands on Park Lane & Del puts him in the Penthouse Suite.
So, PC or Trimmed???
In “Yesterday Never Comes” after Rodney slaps the girls arse and asks her if she fancies an indian…the following scene was cut….
“Rodney – Fascist!
Del arrives back.
Del – Right, you fit then Rodders, eh?
Rodney turns to face him. A large red weal is on his face.
Rodney – Yeah, yeah fit.
Del – Here, you ain’t ‘arf got a nasty rash coming up on your boat race.
Rodney – Oh yeah, yeah that’s, um, that’s just where I caught the sun, you know.
Del – Well, if I didn’t know any better I’d swear that someone had smacked you right in the eye.
Rodney – Alright don’t go on about it.
Del – What d’you mean? You’re a touchy little git sometimes ain’t yer?”
Well they are all being trimmed for time as the available slot is 55 minutes and you can’t fit two 30 minute shows in to that slot even if you cut the credits. But I dare say the most controversial content is the first to be removed in the edit suite.
Correct – first thing being taken out is anything that may not be “suitable”…got to remember that straight after these shows are finished all the cbbc kids shows start, so that makes it a bit tricky.
yeah, imagine a 7 year old flicking on at the end of danger uxd, with the blow up dolls, i think that episode will be trimmed quite a bit..
You know what – that one I think is actually going out pretty much untouched!
Dear Ronnie,
Thank you for your recent communication regarding the availability of the above programme on DVD.
This release will be a Repack of the current complete collection but will be retailed at a lower RRP
We are constantly updating our catalogue of titles and really appreciate all of the feedback we receive from the viewing public, so thank you again for your correspondence.
Please note there is a limited range of titles previously transmitted on http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive
Yours sincerely,
2Entertain DVD Enquiry Team
Lower Price to RIP off more Customers who are expecting a “Complete UNCUT” boxset.
2 entertain what a bunch of jokers, why is it so difficult for them to make an effort and bring out a complete uncut boxset,
i Loved seeing Friday the 14th today, hilarious episode, didn’t notice any cuts, of all the episodes shown so far, this is my favourite.
i was just Wondering – if the new only fools and horses dvd boxset, is just a repackage and has no new content.
if anyone is going to buy it, who already has the dvd boxset released a few years ago?
It will more than likely just be a new outer box packaging with the new purple box BBC Logo, but the discs on the inside will be the same as the old ones with the old BBC Logo etc…The BBC/2Entertain Just repackage old stock, they’ve done it for years. Not long ago I bought the Complete One Foot In The Grave and The Ronnie Barker Collection. all new outer packaging with new Logo etc… but same old Silver/Artwork and Logo’s on the Discs.
looks like we’ll be waiting at least 70 years for uncut fools and horses, music usually goes out of copyright 70 years after the author/songwriter has died!
The BBC Shop Facebook page have replied to my messages again, with this;
” A revised edition of the Only Fools & Horses Complete Collection box set featuring all the episodes is scheduled for release in September to celebrate 30 years of Britain’s best loved comedy series. There have been some edits made to certain programmes in the series due to clearance reasons. Unfortunately we are unable to rectify this at the current time. 2entertain are also considering other potential releases for later in the year. “
Does “other potential releases” mean an uncut release?
I hope the BBC sorts out these edits. We can’t have cuts in the Only Fools and Horses episodes forever, and I wonder what they mean by “potential releases”.
this was the message the shop left me after i asked about the 30th anniversary boxset, i really wish some other company ie network could release these, 2 entertain are the biggest wastes of space on the planet, i would bet money on the fact that the bbc and 2 entertain have made no attempt at all to sort out any music rights issues, we will get same old boxset perhaps if we are lucky some new artwork.
it would be nice if the only fools society could get neil simm to make some new del & rodney etc busts or figures for the 30th anniversary, neil simm makes alot of laurel & hardy busts for the laurel & hardy society, he has now started to make larger laurel & hardy figurines, nice if he would be able to make some del & rodney figurines or new busts at least.
i like only fools and horses very much
from Lisa and Tracy
Just a note to all not to dive in at the deep end with the iTunes files, thinking they’re all uncut – they’re not. I’ve counted no less than 4 episodes which are cut compared to the DVDs, Go West Young Man and Homesick missing around a minute each being amongst the worst offenders. Looks to me that iTunes were given a handful of TV edits which were done not for offensive content, but for time. Off-airs of the BBC1 repeats in 2004 confirm some of these edits.
I recently posted the following message, on the ‘BBC Shop’ Facebook page, to enquire about the planned DVD release for September;
“Please can you let me know when the Only Fools and Horses Complete Collection will be available to buy on DVD. I heard there will be a re-release of the boxset at some point in September, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the series.
Also if/when more information is announced, like whether the episodes will be remastered and uncut, please can you let me know. Thank you.”
And today they posted a reply, which reads;
“No new content but the boxset will be repackaged. The planned release date is 5th September.”
It seems like the re-release of the ‘Only Fools and Horses Complete Collection’ will be the same as the 2006 version – with no uncut episodes, no more special features included, and the content being exactly the same with all the edits, with the only thing being different is the packaging.
I hope this isn’t true, as I would love to see these episodes uncut.
How do we watch the uncut episodes of Only Fools and Horses, if they are not released on DVD?
The 30th anniversary of this programme needs to be celebrated properly, with an all new uncut DVD boxset, featuring remastered episodes, and maybe lots of great special features.
I agree, the bbc archives are bound to have outtakes etc…. One I would love to see is from A Hole In One with the scenes Leonard Pearce filmed shortly before his death.
I just don’t know why they can’t release the Full UNCUT Collection as a lasting Legacy to John Sullivan.
I have all the DVD’s and still have all the VHS Releases, My VHS series 1 is the full UNCUT boxset,with all the original music and Original Theme Tune too. I’m so glad I kept my VHS Collection.
I think they filmed the Uncle Albert episode, over the Original Lennard pearce episode, because it was done on tape, it will be impossible to recover.
Outside scenes were shot on film, so that should still exist.
Yeah maybe, i get most of my info from a story of only fools and horses book i got years ago, by steve clark.
it said in that book, that all material had been overwritten – but it would be great if some of the footage resurfaced, there is a picture of Grandad in the wheelchair outside the courts, so maybe some of that clip is in the bbc archive.
They did the same with very early footage from dads army, they used to overwrite other episodes.
Last night I replied to the message which was posted on the BBC Shop Facebook page, with;
“Please can you release the UNCUT versions of Only Fools and Horses on DVD. It would be brilliant if these were available for the 30th anniversary. If they cannot be released this year, then please release the fully uncut episodes at some point in the future. Thank you.
and this was their reply, about an hour ago;
“According to 2Entertain who produce the DVD the episodes weren’t re-mastered and are not uncut.”
What do we do now?
Cant make head or tale of there answers.
The upcoming DVD boxset titled ‘Only Fools and Horses – Complete Anniversary’ has appeared on various websites, including amazon.co.uk and play.com.
I wonder if the missing scenes in the episodes of Only Fools and Horses, will ever be restored and released on DVD!
amazon.co.uk have a listing for “Only Fools and Horses – Complete Anniversary Box Set” now, but not many details yet. plus they list it as a 9th December release.
We can only wait until 2Entertain release the information about the new set. If it has the same running time then its just a repackage.
Even though it would be great to have uncut episodes, I think this boxset will have the same content as the previous DVD releases.
I have recently posted a message on the BBC Shop Facebook page, to enquire about the upcoming DVD release, and then I posted their reply here on this page afterwards,
Unfortunately it doesn’t look good for this boxset, as the BBC Shop Facebook page replied with the following message;
“No new content but the boxset will be repackaged. The planned release date is 5th September.”
If the episodes on the anniversary boxset are not uncut at all, and are edited the same as before, does anyone know a possible way of obtaining these episodes in full?
Are there any DVDs available of the uncut/almost uncut episodes?
Why does everything get released on DVD in full, and yet Only Fools and Horses continues to be edited when released on DVDs, and when repeated on TV?
When programmes are released on DVD, the episodes are usually extended or uncut, like the american sitcom Friends, and the animated series Family Guy.
Only Fools and Horses should finally have its own proper complete boxset, including the uncut episodes, and other exclusive content.
The BBC really needs to obtain the rights for the missing content, so they can then hopefully re-release these episodes, and make the best DVD boxset of all!
its a shame Freemantle Media don’t own the rights to OFAH as they would definitely release the full uncut versions like they did with Birds Of A Feather. 2Entertain just seem too tight to obtain the Music Copyrights!!
network would also be ideal for releasing a complete uncut only fools boxset, network do release quite alot of older sitcoms from the 1970s and 1980s all complete and uncut, the bbc and 2 entertain just don’t give a stuff about only fools releases.
As far as I know, Network are locked in a contract with ITV, when that ends they may well move into BBC content.
network work are releasing a complete ‘on the buses’ collection in september which will include all seven series, the spin off ‘don’t drink the water’ and all 3 ‘on the buses’ films plus extras in one box set. it would be nice to have a complete ‘only fools & horses’, ‘green green grass’, ‘rock & chips’ plus extras in one complete boxset also.
Network do a good job with their releases bit the only downside is the awful plain black printed disc labels,they stopped putting artwork on their labels a few years ago. I know this is only trivial but we should be getting full colour artwork covers and labels for our money.
According to a forum I have just seen, there was a brand new only fools episode planned for December. Tessa Peake-Jones apparently said it on This Morning.
she’s said that John Sullivan wanted to make one, but it was very unlikely now he’s dead.
it is the episode on the 6th
i suppose we will never ever know if there would have been a brand new only fools for christmas 2011, i wonder if the only fools society has any inside information about if this was ever going to happen.
This must be one of the most commented threads on the website, but i am loving seeing Only fools and horses back on BBC 1 – Its real home
nice to see david jason doing some photo signing for the society, a little disgusted with the prices the society are charging for david jasons autograph, so much for being a loyal society member for the past 15 years, when your asked to fork out over a hundred pound.
As many have spotted, the programmes have been edited down to approx 54 minutes, which is the only time-slot available during the day. So obviously a fair bit has had to come out – but the BBC has done this with the heavy involvement of the family of John Sullivan, who have been reasonably pleased with the editing process and suggested a significant number of the cuts themselves. The plan is to repeat all of Series 1-7, minus the Xmas specials – and episodes from Who Wants to Be A Millionaire? through until Three Men, A Woman and a Baby will be shown uncut, bar any language that is deemed by the BBC to be unsuitable for a time of day when kids could be watching (sh**, pi**ed etc).
Are you involved with the BBC?
Fair explanation. The BBC never said these episodes would be uncut. From someone who doesnt know these early episodes so well I have very much enjoyed them and havent got hung up about some very small cuts which have not detered my enjoyment.
Ashes to Ashes still had the following line in at the start “Listen I know the Government keeps asking us to save energy, but this is taking the piss!” so much for editing the swearing out haha!!
But it didn’t have the black mans pinch line in the long legs of the law.
it does seem to be acceptable to say pissed in the daytime because i have heard it in episodes of friends and Glee. i think as long as it is not directed at anyone it is ok. i.e piss off
The episode Cash and curry, featured the song Money by Pink floyd, in the sequence where Del is trying to find £2000, meaning that the episode is Uncut, because the episode i have on DVD has differnet Music, this must be good news for an uncut dvd
I don’t think it was uncut, but the Pink Floyd music was there.
yes, there are certain buts which have been edited out for daytime viewing, but it looks good for the dvd
Not really, broadcast TV and repeats aren’t subject to the same music right restrictions as DVDs and other material being made commercially available. I suppose the best indication of what the new DVDs will hold is the digital copies on iTunes. However, I’m not willing to pay again for sub-DVD quality material just to edit check.
They are all definitely CUT because all original “Early” episodes were 30 Minutes and these BBC Repeats are Approx 26 Mins, Usually Tv Broadcasts are allowed to use the original music etc…. it’s only General Releases that make Music Cuts due to copyright issues.
Episodes 1 and 2 of Series 5 on G.O.L.D last night were UNCUT as both ran for the full 30 Minutes, the Evening Airings on G.O.L.D are usually UNCUT, the Daytime ones are edited for language etc…
These BBC Repeats don’t seem to be Re-Mastered either,where as G.O.L.D’s are Re-Mastered, the Re-Mastered episodes have added break bumpers.
Can any upload that as i have never seen that before
Has there been an official announcement by the BBC about the new DVDS ??
No, If you contact 2Entertain you get a default reply. This states that they are planning a new DVD is September.
Shame about all the edits, I have a horrible feeling the DVD will be in a similar state. I cannot see why music has been cut when it’s being shown on TV. Unless they have been lazy, and only made one tape for each episode, which will be used for TV and DVD. But then again music was meant to be included on the new DVD. The whole thing is a bit of a shambles.
These episodes do not appear to be the new versions.
Fromage Frais!
i like it very very much
from Lisa and Tracy
The sequence in ‘Big Brother’ where Del trys to sell the briefcase with the original them playing has been cut!
Oh well, so much for uncut episodes :(
They cut out:
Dels Australian Rhyme
The gay bar scene, where del says “tonight we dance with are backs to the wall”
The end of the gaybar scene.
The Jommy Connors joke is missing, and the Miami open Joke in the club.
it is shred to bits
I have recorded today’s episodes, but may not record every one, due to the possibility of edited episodes.
However I did notice that in between both episodes (Big Brother/Go West Young Man), the beginning and ending credits have been cut out.
Does anyone know if these are the remastered episodes of Only Fools and Horses? They obviously are not uncut.
I hope the DVD release which is planned for September, will include the uncut episodes, along with hopefully remastered episodes, and some special features – exclusive to the DVD release.
Does anyone have any further information about the Only Fools and Horses DVD release, for the 30th anniversary?
Has a release date been announced yet?
If anyone has any information about this, please post it below.
I will be very grateful for your help. Thank you.
Go west young man has been edited to bits, the Whole scene where del is Saying a rhyme about selling the car, is missing from the episode, very shoddy
The bit where he say, as i downed the amber fluid….
get it straight i,m an aussie mate, etc
the whole scene is missing
True, and the filmed sequences from Big Brother were cut, as were a couple of clips in the gay bar in Go West Young Man, as was a large section of Del bigging Rodney up as a tennis pro in the nightclub scene.
Every single episode, certainly the 30 minute ones, will be cut for these repeats. The double bill slots are all 55 minutes, and they’re only saving around a minute by chopping out the credits between the two shows. Another 3 or 4 minutes has to be found from somewhere, and they’re certainly doing that.
Anyone who was taping these hoping to get uncut shows is in for a massive shock. The best we can hope for it that these were edited from the original TX masters, and some of the material edited since then has managed to survive this particular cull.
I think they cut out the Gaybar scene when del called the man a Bandit – which is understandable.
and the Jimmy connors bit, is because he said Dildo or something.
i didn’t catch Big brother, but it seems that was edited too
but they left the bit in about smoking Grass, the whole show is a PG – but BBC are scared they may offend someone.
i hope the dvd release is in better condition, than these episodes, because it seems like a step back on the last release, just the Bbc cashing in on John Sullivans Untimely death.
Not sure if the episodes will be on iPlayer, the episodes shown at Christmas werent. I doubt the BBC has the rights to show them on catchup.
I just checked the BBC iPlayer for the episodes which were broadcast today from 2.10pm, and I can confirm that unfortunately Only Fools and Horses is not available to watch on iPlayer, after broadcast.
If they count two merged half hour episodes as one and don’t show the two Christmas specials (Christmas crackers/Thicker than water), then 17 episodes will be all of series 1-5.
Why are they not starting from the start?
Healthy Competion and Go West Young Man – why no “Big Brother”..or are the descriptions wrong?
On my tv guide it says Big Brother/go west young man
then it says 1 of 17,
Yeah I noticed that when I setup SKY+ to record – although the description above states:
“Rodney grows tired of being dogsbody to wheeler-dealing older brother Del-Boy and decides to set out on his own”
Which would actually suggest the episode was “Healthy competition” rather than Big Brother.
According to my interactive TV guide on Freeview, the first two episodes to air next week are as follows;
Big Brother/Go West Young Man:
Del has a problem with some briefcases he has acquired, and some cash from a car deal sees Del and Rodney head up West for a night on the tiles.
The strange thing is, the two episodes are listed as one programme, when it should be listed as two, considering there are two episodes that will air.
The opening and closing credits which form both episodes are probably cut out to form one episode, meaning these episodes won’t be uncut at all.
I hope the planned DVD release for September, includes the uncut episodes.
I sent 2 Entertain an e-mail about the 30th anniversary of Only Fools and Horses, but unfortunately there isn’t enough information about the possible DVD release, which is planned for September.
Hopefully we may get more information about this very soon.
“Thank you for your recent communication.
Currently, 2entertain are planning on re-releasing the Only Fools and Horses Complete Collection this September. To mark Only Fools and Horses 30th anniversary, other releases are currently being considered but have not, as yet been decided upon.
We appreciate all of the feedback that we receive from the viewing public, so thank you again for your correspondence.
Yours sincerely,
2Entertain DVD Enquiry Team”
If only we knew more details about the DVD set, including whether the episodes included will be uncut, or not. I hope the episodes will be uncut, and that this won’t be exactly the same as the DVD release from 2006.
It would be great to see every episode uncut.
If anyone has any information about the planned ‘ONLY FOOLS AND HORSES’ DVD release for September, please reply to this message. Thank you.
That’s what they said to me. I am not sure what to make of it. They say they are planning on re-releasing, this means a brand new DVD set rather than just a re-package like last september. If this is the case most episodes should be uncut due to the new music agreement the BBC has. They also say they are considering “other releases”, Not sure what they mean by that. Possibly Blu-ray versions of “To Hull and Back/Miami Twice part two”, or they could release the lost episodes. Last september, they told me this:
“Music deletes would have been done, at the time, due to clearance issues with the record companies i.e. either refusing 2E permission to release the specific track on VHS or simply requiring too much money for the right to do so. This situation has greatly improved with the new BBC PPL agreement which means we are able to release more current programming without any edits at all. Unfortunately to go back to the original TX versions of each and every episode – to re-clear and then to incur new costs to encode, re-subtitle, resubmit for BBFC, re-author, re-DLT and replicate new stock (making existing stock redundant) is simply not cost effective. I’m sure you understand that our contracts with various suppliers who provide the services mentioned above, that their charges are highly confidential and I am therefore unable to share with you what it would cost 2E to basically destroy stock and start again.”
They say that making a brand new dvd “is simply not cost effective”,
We can only wait………….
Thank you for the reply.
I hope that at least most of the episodes, which are re-released on this DVD set, are uncut.
I wish I had further information for this upcoming DVD release, as I am not sure whether to record the Only Fools and Horses episodes on BBC ONE, or not.
I currently have the series 1-7 DVD boxset (which was released last year) containing 9 discs, but unfortunately it doesn’t contain the feature-length Christmas specials, which is annoying.
Also I am not sure how much of the boxset is edited, and I also don’t know which episodes, and the parts of the episodes that are edited.
If the episodes repeated on BBC ONE are uncut, they may be worth recording, but then if you think of the planned DVD release for September, it may be a waste of time.
Hopefully very soon more information will be announced about the DVD release. I just hope that we find out within the next week or so.
I cannot believe that the DVDs of the feature-length Christmas specials, have been edited much more than the standard episodes, especially the episode ‘A Royal Flush’, which has a total of at least 18 minutes lost.
This episode has to be one of the main episodes that must be uncut on this new release.
It’s terrible having so many edits on the DVD releases of this popular comedy series.
I hope the BBC obtains the rights for the missing parts, so Only Fools and Horses can be released as a proper complete DVD boxset.
John sullivan made that edit, the bbc are unlikely yo reverse it. They should include both versions.
2 entertain are a complete waste of space, i for one don’t believe they will release any complete uncut dvds of only fools and horses, i wish network could have the rights for these, i believe they would show more respect for only fools and release a complete uncut versions, and what the hecks going on with the release of green green grass series 4.
i like fools and horses
from lisa
i like only fools and Horses that is my show in the wold
from Lisa and Tracy
It’s great to have a full series re-run of this popular comedy series on BBC One. I will look forward to watching them.
The only thing is that, if every episode of Only Fools and Horses has been remastered, and possibly uncut, let’s hope that if they are repeated on BBC One from July, they will also be re-released on DVD, at some point this year.
I hope that a complete collection DVD boxset of all episodes is released, along with special features for the 30th anniversary. It would be brilliant if the quality of the episodes on the DVD, would be uncut and remastered, as well as the newly aired episodes.
The question is, what is the best thing to do?
I am not sure whether to record Only Fools and Horses, when it is repeated on BBC ONE, or just wait for an uncut DVD to be released instead?
Or just record all the episodes regardless, until we hear that an uncut DVD boxset will be released?
In september we should have the new DVD set, Who knows if it will be fully uncut, we will just have to wait and see.
I have just recevied the following message from 2Entertain:
Dear Ronnie
Thank you for your recent communication.
Currently, 2entertain are planning on re-releasing the Only Fools and Horses Complete Collection this September. To mark Only Fools and Horses 30th anniversary, other releases are currently being considered but have not, as yet been decided upon.
We appreciate all of the feedback that we receive from the viewing public, so thank you again for your correspondence.
Yours sincerely,
2Entertain DVD Enquiry Team
It seems very likely that the episodes will be re-released on DVD. I hope they are uncut, and remastered.
I would love to see the uncut episodes on DVD, and watch them in order. Let’s hope that this will happen!
Let’s face it – the episodes are going to be cut. They have a 55 minute slot to show 2 x 30 minutes episodes – that doesn’t work! My guess (and it’s only a guess) – but I’m thinking they will edit out the credits in between episodes 1 and 2 (which will save them about 90 seconds), and then cut out bits which are unsuitable for daytime. ‘Go West Young Man’ has a long scene in a gay bar – I think they’ll tweak this for daytime viewing, even though I want them desperately to leave these uncut.
I dont think that any of the Gay bar scene will be edited, its not really insulting and people are quite accepting of Loads of things now.
I think in the episode who’s a pretty boy then, they may cut the line where del says “she’s got a terrible mark on her forehead” to the Hindu man, i could understand cutting things like that.
If from the 4th of July the BBC shows two half-hour episodes a day (Mondays to Fridays) of OFAH, then that takes us up to the 27th of July with 36 episodes shown. Then, if they show just one of the 50 minute episodes a day (Mon-Fri) that takes us to the 12th of August with 48 episodes shown. Plus, if you add on the 16 Specials (one a day) that takes us up to the 5th of September with all 64 episodes shown, 3 days short of the 30th year anniversary of the original broadcast of Big Brother! So maybe then they’ll show the 3 episodes of Rock and Chips to lead up to Fools and Horses’ 30th Birthday on the 8th of September!
I love Only Fools and am so glad they are showing them again.
!!!!!!!! if you can record BBC One HD, this should give a better picture.
I agree, i can only remember the odd couple of episodes being shown over the past couple of years, looking forward to seeing them all again, like jolly boys outing,
i really hope they show remastered versions of them, it would be a bit of a coincedence if a few days after hearing the news they were remastered, they decided to show un-remastered episodes.
I,m going to have to make some room on my freeview + box, i,ve only got 4 hours left…
Finally! :)