Jolly Boys Outing Episode Review
Brief: Rodney is happily in his new flat except for those nagging doubts about Cassandra’s boss Stephen. He forgets about it long enough to go away on the coach trip to Margate and witnesses the coach blowing up when they get there. They finally get home and Rodney discovers Stephen in his flat. Let this one pass you by…..
Transmitted: 25.12.1989
Duration: 85 minutes
Viewing Figures: 20.1 million
Cassandra organises a dinner party, inviting her ‘yuppie’ boss and his wife in the hope of getting a promotion. Del and Uncle Albert soon arrive to put their feet firmly in their mouths and ruin the chances of that.
Despite it being Rodney and Cassandra’s first wedding anniversary, Rodders agrees to go on the annual Jolly Boys Outing to Margate.
The outing goes as well as can be expected considering the driver gets drunk, Rodney gets arrested, and the radio bought from Trotters Independent Traders blows up the coach.
Forced to stay the night by this twist of fate, Del encounters his lost love Raquel, who is now working as magician’s assistant.
As one Trotter rekindles his love life, the other returns to find Cassandra entertaining her boss at home. Punching first, and asking questions letter, Rodney blows it. Again.
Jolly Boys Outing Cut scenes
Sadly Jolly Boys outing has received some cuts since its original airing, some great one-liners here to enjoy
Episode Observations
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, the scene where they are in the coach driving down the hill they are all ready in margate ,when they stop at the pub(the roman galley). that is a bout10 miles before margate!
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, When we see Delboy, Rodney and Albert looking up the steps to the Villa Bella, there are some cars parked just behind them! Yet when the camera angle changes to show the lighting hitting the hotel, there is clearly no cars!
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, if you listen to the part where del and denzel are shouting in the pub car can hear del say..”we’ll be here all day and all night” without moving his lips.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, When the coach is travelling towards Margate, Del says that they are only ten minutes from the half way house and in the background noise is the song 2 4 6 8 motorway by Tom Robinson band. The song is still playing as the coach pulls into the pub car park a full ten minutes later, Im pretty sure that the song is not that long.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, When we first see the Jolly Boy’s coach and everyone is singing “Down Down” at one point the camera shows Del singing, he turns around to talk to mike, but he clearly says something else yet the dubbing is still singing (if you get what i mean!)
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, When Del throws The Great Raymondo’s suitcase out the window, Del later hears that it hit Boycie, Mike etc, well sureley we would of herd them call out or scream or something when it hits them!
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, On the coach when Mike says “The main petrol line runs under there!”, Boycie isn’t wearing glasses. When the ‘Musta’ car radio explodes, everybody recoils in fright including Boycie who is suddenly now wearing sunglasses. Then in the next shot, they’re off again. Make your mind up Boycie.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, in this episode albert tells cassy about his war days!!! and how he smashed into a german boat! (this turns out to be sid in the germans boat) however in “hole in one” in the court they say he spent the best part of the war on the isle of man! and in “if they could see us now” rodders and del are sorry that they didnt take albert on holiday with them, but then say he never owned a passport!
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, at the start, when Del and Albert are talking to Cassandra about the Dinner. Cassandra says that she thought Rodney had made an arrangement for another date. But then when we see Rodney and Alan talking at the firm, Rodney says that he has Invited Del and Albert, Which he couldn’t of if he had arranged another date.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, a few probably too minor ones off the top of my head(indeed!) Jevon digs at Albert early on about knowing about the rail strike so at least he could have reminded all the others! Certainly neither he nor Mickey seem any less surprised when the coach party reach the station. Also regarding the rail strike, would that have stopped Joanne necessarily from going to her parents(It’s convenient that Steven isn’t going anyway but this is quibbling really I guess!) Back to Jevon & Mickey(& Denzil), don’t think We got the impression of their being amused when the coach blew up in the way they convey at the guest house. Is there a continuity error regarding the complimentary nightclub tickets? Well, I suppose Del could have sold them & still gone there(after telling the others too). When Del & Rodney discuss Del’s venture with Jumbo Mills, Del mentions The Man From Atlantis which I think came long after Jimbo emigrated but it’s not clear Del really means it about this complaint from mothers.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, the direction of the coach changes during the song on the drive to Margate.After leaving the police station the coach is heading back towards London (A2) but the quick cut to Albert suggests the coach is going back the other way.If you look at the long shots then the sea would be on the drivers side but for Albert the sea front is on the other side (coach going right to left on the screen)The second long shot with the big wheel briefly show the roundabout that they were going past(extreme left of screen at the start of the shot)Of course a knowledge of Margate would make this a lot easier to explain!.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, Only a few seconds after the coach blows up you can hear the sirens of the fire engines. So in just a few seconds the brigade has been called out, had to get the engine out and start driving to where the burnt out coach is. How likely is that.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, it clearly states that Rodders and Cassandra have been maried 1 year, and this episode is set in the summer of 1989, whereas in “Little Problems” the marriage certificate states the date as 15th January 1989.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, when the drivers gets drunk Denzil says he will drive the bus only on one condition – that the driver drives it back. When they are about to leave for Peckham why then is Denzil sitting on the drivers seat?
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, after Raquel has finished speaking to Del on the intercom, she presses a button on the phone. When she does this the wall moves.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, When the gang realise that the trains aren’t running they begin to argue. Alan stops the argument and reminds them that the coach company has promised to send them a new coach early next morning. That being the case, why were they going to catch a train? They should have known they had to stay in Margate overnight.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, When we cut to the scene showing the Trotter’s in bed in the Villa Bella look carefully at the top left of the picture. You will notice a boom mike moving around a little. You have to look carefully since the scene is filmed in darkness.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, in the scene where Rodney kicks the ball at the policeman, as Del turns to Rodney to ask him for the ball we see Boycie and some others pass by on their way to the coach. But a split second later, as Del finishes his line and the camera turns to Rodney holding the ball, we see Boycie already on the coach sitting at a window seat!Fast mover Boycie!
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, when Del and Rodney are sat down together reminissing, Del tells him a story of when he and Jumbo Mills had a partnership selling sea food outside a pub. I think this is confirmed in who wants…millionaire when Jumbo wants to take him to Australia to help run his car business.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, When Del, Rodney and Albert have to stay the evening in Margate there are several references to how cold it is. Yet at Raquel’s flat the window is wide open, enabling Del to throw the suitcase out.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, the video version cuts out the scene of a singer singing before Raquel and Ramondo come on stage.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, when the coach reaches the Half way house- it must be in the morning as Albert was moaning about leaving early! – then the “Boys” have a few sherbets, when they leave however Densil (I think) is talking about the state of the coach driver and claims “And its only 11O’clock”. That being the case what was the pub doing open?
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, Raquel indicates that she has no family left, but in “Heroes and Villains” she visits her mum and dad whom she hasn’t seen for years.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, there’s a scene where Del, Rodney and Albert are walking down a street trying to find a hotel to stay in overnight. Now, if you look at a sign over one of the houses it clearly says “CRESTA CABS” – which would later become the name of the cab company in John Sullivan’s “Roger Roger”.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, when the cassette radio starts smoking Del decides it would be sensible to abandon ship at this point the coach is filling up with smoke. The next coach scene shows everyone jumping off the coach but there is no smoke seen at all in the coach.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, when the coach explodes the front and sides blow up followed by the back of the coach, after seeing Rodney in the phone booth an explosion of an untouched side of the coach re-explodes showing the scene was shot by several cameras but only one explosion.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, we see Del struggling with the pen in the villa bella to sign in, why didn’t he just use the one in his inside pocket that he gives to Raquel in the club?
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, on the official BBC video Del and Rodders go to the night-club, you straight away see Del and Rodders sitting around the table with Boycie and Mike etc, but in the original screen showing the part when they go to the club has about 10 mins of Del and Rodney eating and discussing Cassandra. Any cuts like mentioned are generally due to the copyright on the background music.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, Ericka Hoffman was the women at the candy floss stand. Yet she also had been in “From Prussia with Love” playing the pregnant German girl.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, when the girl (trainee hostess) in Bellas place is showing the lads up to their room the audible steps are out of sink with the actual steps she takes.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, In the scene when the coach arrives in Margate accompanied with the song “Everybody’s talking” . As Rodney nuges Del to wake him up if you lip-read you can see Del saying “**** off Rodney”.
- In the Jolly Boys Outing, in the scene where uncle albert and rodney are in bed together, arguing & bickering. if you notice above the bed is an ashtray that vanishes for no reason.
Jolly Boys Outing Script
The script will be downloadable from here
Did You Know?
John Sullivans sister-in-law Penny, was the inspiration behind this script as she told him of an event her father used to go on each year, called “The Jolly Boys Outing”.
Yeah and leads to Rodney saying I’ll file your bloody fax
In the Jolly Boys Outing episode observations, it states Raquel has no family but anyone notice when Raquel is talking to Del in the nightclub at the bar that Raquel says she has a brother in Milton Keynes! We never see him throughout the series although we did see Raquel’s parents in Time on our Hands. He must now be a perfect uncle to 30 Year Old Damien!
Rosalind Knight aka Mrs Cresswell just passed away RIP x
Jolly Boys’ Outing is now uncut on Netflix :)
probably already mentioned but why did they go back to the train station after they knew there was a rail strike and it was a bank holiday also if the coach was coming at 9am the next day why were they trying to get a train back how who was going to inform the coach depot that they tried to get home earlier, waste of journey for the poor coach driver all way down from London?? to Margate, but remiss of them all, micky and jevon esp knew this as they pointed this out to Uncle Albert when he complained on the coach about leaving early…..before breadkfast…..
I notice that Del uses the same spiel in The Frog’s Legacy when selling in the market.
Very much like the start of this episode, he quotes “Guaranteed to cure hard core, soft core and pimples on the tongue” in The Frogs Legacy.
Has anyone visited Margate and stayed in any B&B there?
If so, is there any B&B’s situated on Dalby Square/Road which is where some of the scenes were shot. I know the Villa Bella has been demolished, but I would love to stay somewhere on that same street.
If anyone has visited a B&B in or around this particular address – let me know!
the baby in the pram Tyler who Albert is talking to is Mickey Pearces kid
Are you sure?
Patrick Murray’s son featured in the scene where he is playing against Albert with the toy water boats during the boys having fun at the Margate fair. He is about 4 or 5 in this scene. This being confirmed by John Sullivan.
I have never heard of the baby in the pram also being a sprog belonging to Patrick Murray….
One thing I’ve always noticed is that when Del, Rodney and Albert are standing outside Villa Bella, there is a bit of audio that goes really quiet. I thought it was my TV but have played it on multiple devices and other TV’s since.
It’s when Del says ‘it’s not too bad’ followed by Rodney saying ‘not too bad?’ half way through Rodney’s sentence, the audio increases dramatically to ‘…it looks like the Munster’s weekend place!’.
Anyone have a clip of the missing scene in the Villa Bella where there’s an extended clip of the scatty housekeeper/maid and also Del talking to one of the horrified guests?
I’ve seen this only once and am desperate to see it again.
•In the Jolly Boys Outing, in this episode albert tells cassy about his war days!!! and how he smashed into a german boat! (this turns out to be sid in the germans boat) however in “hole in one” in the court they say he spent the best part of the war on the isle of man!
–‘best part of the war’ not the entire war..
He actually says he spent the best part of the war on the isle of white !!
Don’t forget that that script was actually written for Grandad though. Hence why would a sailor need parachute training?
In the scene outside Margate Railway Station, the Boys state the time is 7:30pm, but it’s dark outside. As they are on August Bank Holiday Weekend, 1989 it would be light until about 8:30.
It is clearly Easter bank holiday as, during the coach journey down to Margate, rape seed and hawthorns can clearly be seen in full flower in the fields and hedgerows so darkness falling early evening would be correct. You can also tell by the quality of the sunlight.
Hi all I was watching jolly boys last night and have always wondered about how they filmed exterior of villa Bella. Does anyone know if it was blue screened or some sort of matte painting ? Also the walk leading up to the villa Bella looks quite studio like. If anyone has any info it would be much appreciated. Thanks
For those who like to record the missing scenes from GOLD on sky.
a bit of advice, I personally would hurry up and record this episode on tape, because GOLD still show the missing mardi gras club scene, with the ‘just the way you are’ song.
GOLD are getting worse with their cuts, and it could only be a matter of time, before they stop airing the ‘just the way you are’ segment.
I watched jolly boys outing on GOLD last night, and the woman singing scene, was still apart of the episode.
Just to say, I have spotted that Amazon Instant Video (part of Amazon Prime) has the UNCUT Jolly Boys outing on there as part of the sub. Cheered me up no end. Classic Trigger “Motel” line back! A lot said to diss Amazon, but this is bonnet de douche, as the French say!!
Not that I am one for questioning every little detail but there is something puzzling me. At the beginning of the episode Marlene pushes Tyler through the market and Cassandra asks her if she had a name for the baby? Yet earlier on when she and Albert are talking about a car radio and becoming a two car family. Albert mentions that they had only been married for a year. So this is the bit (or bits) I don’t get Marlene fell pregnant in the episode before Cassandra and Rodney got married so this is a year on from their wedding(according to Albert) so how come nobody knew the babies name then? Even Del looks puzzled at the choice of name so can anybody explain to me how come nobody knew Tyler’s name?? I know its not a major angle but it was one of those things that puzzled me that’s all
Hi all,
sorry to ask but I need to know; what episode does Del sing ‘double your money, try to get rich’
Thanks all
Yuppy Love
Thank you so much!
Hi Guys i have noticed another potential cut scene from this episode.
A few days ago i purchased the “A to Z of Only Fools & Horses” book and on page 227 there is a black and white picture of Mr Creswell and Inga showing Del, Rodney and Albert into their hotel room.
It looks very much like it was taken during filming as the actors appear to be mid scene and not posing for the camera (if you get what i mean).
I can only assume it was filmed but did not make it to the final edit.
Be interesting to see what other people think, assuming you have the book.
interesting stuff! do you know of anyone that has the Yuppy Love cuts??
interesting stuff! do you know of anyone that has the Yuppy Love cuts??
sadly not, they were on youtube a while ago but not anymore, i did have the original yuppy love episode years ago but sadly its been taped over. Would love to get my hands on them.
You can try the I-tunes version. Only cost a couple of pounds.
Hi, Ronnie, I downloaded it a while ago and sadly its the same as the DVD version
Is there no way that you can re-upload the video on cuts part 4 to dailymotion as Youtube have blocked it? I would love to see these cuts
Unfortantly I did not, and have never uploaded any footage to youtube/dailymotion.
Someone has uploaded this (see below) to youtube:
You could ask this user if they have the whole episode, which would be uncut.
I used to have the scenes, but due to a hardware failure lost all of them. I think they still show it on UK Gold uncut.
Unfortunately I did not, and have never uploaded any footage to youtube/dailymotion.
Someone has uploaded this (see below) to youtube:
You could ask this user if they have the whole episode, which would be uncut.
I used to have the scenes, but due to a hardware failure lost all of them. I think they still show it on UK Gold uncut.
i was actually referring to the Yuppy Love cuts. I know it was shown on GOLD a couple of years ago because i had it saved on my old sky box but i’m pretty sure its not been repeated uncut since – so frustrating
Does anyone know what what channel this was broadcast on? (See link below) Its the uncut version of Yuppy love the scene with Jevon Rodney and Mickey Pearce but unfortunately it has a foreign voice over. I would love to get my hands on the full episode!
I used to have yuppy love fully uncut recorded from UK GOLD, but I sadly taped over it, wish I hadn’t now.
I know the cut your talking about – your on about when Jevon and Mickey discuss, that Cassandra has given Rodney half the winnings. and Jevon says:’Mickey…………. shut up’
Yeah thats the one, I used to have the full version on my old sky box but sadly i got rid of it.
UK GOLD stopped showing the full version early 2011 i think, so frustrating!
Don’t suppose you know anyone that may have an old recording?? Someone must have it
Just got my hands on an Exclusive First Edition – Replica Jolly Boys Outing Coach….
An exact replica of the Coach from the 1989 Jolly Boys Outing episode, that famously blew up — comes complete with its own Jolly Boys style box !
Craig – I too bought this but beg to differ that it’s an exact replica.
In Jolly Boys, Rodney, Alan, Mickey and Jevon are all sat at a table. The model coach however does not have this table. Unless my eyes are deceiving me again.
Help! What is the name of the actress who plays the lady who works in the hotel in this episode?
Rosalind knight. She was also in carry on teacher and the landlady in gimme, gimme, gimme amongst other things.
The reason why video and film shot is because the interior scenes are shot in a studio, whereas mostly the exterior shot on 16mm film – you’ll find this in most OFAH. Also, there was a cut made to the Villa Bella scene i believe where Del Boy discusses the terrible food with two guests.
Just saw first time ever the nightclub scene where duel and Rodney discuss Cassandra over scampi. In all these years of ofah seeing my all on video, DVD and tv many many times I’ve never saw this scene. Was just shown on GOLD
more new episodes please of Rodney and cassandra and their new babies called Noddy channel 5 and Postman Pat Cbeebies and many new BBC episodes of Only fools and horses of old classics into new
Mrs Ex is just being a flat-out retard.
Must be a family trait hey Trig?
LOL!! Nice one, Rich.
what was the name of the actor who played the great raymondo
Robin Driscoll, he wroted and started in Mr Bean
On the credits at the end of the episode Daniel LeCoutre is credited does anyone know which character he played?
Great question Jess
IMDB says Daniel LeCoutre played Daniel LeCoutre in Jolly Boys Outing – anyone know who this was?
i think he was the owner of the night club they all went to. where delboy was reunited with rachel, he was an old mate of mike’s untill he emigrated to the isle of white ha ha
No, his name was Eddie Chambers
Eddie was played by Steven Alder who sadly passed away 1n 1997
In the Jolly Boys outing all the exterior scenes have been shot on film including the night views around Margate rail station.
However the night shots around the hotel exteriors – Mrs cresswell, villa bella etc – are shot on videotape. Anyone know why? Did these scenes have to be reshot at a later date.
i have often wondered this.
I have just noticed this. Outside shots do not look right on videotape. Maybe they run out of film stock?????????
Hmm no they would not have run out of film stock.. That would have been a grave error if that happened plus too expensive to bring in video equipment. My guess is the lightning video effect you see twice when the boys are near the Villa Bella could only be created with video technology in conjunction with video cameras and not film.
When Del is trying to flog the car radios, he states that they come with 2 quadraphonic speakers. This joke appears to go over the live audience’s heads.
Hello mate
Can u guide me where i can find subtitles for ONLY FOOLS AND HORSES season 7,8,9 and the specials and also for the lost episodes.cheerio
Seasons 8 & 9? I’d like a copy of those myself…
I’d rather a series copy mind..
where is the pub in the jollys boys outing (half way house)
It was callled the Roman Galley and is on the A299 Thanet Way just after Herne Bay. It’s still there but has now been converted to flats. Not enough Jolly Boys outings nowadays!
Script is now working again – all the best
The Jolly Boys Outing is mentioned again in Sleepless in Peckham implying it was a regular event from the 1960’s before Del blew the coach up.
The new prequel should give even more insight too i beleive
And that’s exactly what the first episode of Rock & Chips did.